Forums - Time to squash the whole "Sheng Long" deal....Its 'not' real... Show all 17 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Time to squash the whole "Sheng Long" deal....Its 'not' real... ( Posted by TheBadApple on 03:27:2001 05:22 PM: Now on Sheng Long...Theres no such thing :P haha, Sheng Long is chinese for "Dragon Punch". Dont ask me why its in the SF2 game but its true.Which is why for the SNES version of SF Turbo they changed it to "Dragon Punch" when Ryu does his quote. They changed it to avoid confusion. Your really talking about Gouken, Goukis(Akuma) brother(and Ryu and Kens master) whom he killed and he also killed Goutetsu(Goukis and Goukens master) too..If you watch the ending for Gouki in the first Alpha you can see both of their faces in the backround along side Bisons(Gouken is the one thats bald and with the full beard). Plus hes the same guy whos in the intro of Street Fighter Alpha the movie, same full beard,built guy, beads around his neck. When Gouki killed his brother, he took his beads as the worlds strongest.I learned alot of this stuff from a rep from Capcom who knew some of the creators well and I was VERY fortunate to buy pics of original drawings and story art for the game with descriptions..And in Kens ending for the first Alpha he says the reason why hes fighting to Eliza is "Their is a man I must find, and hes going to pay"<--- hes talking about Gouki. In Alpha 2, Goukis mid boss is Ryu and Ryu says " Im going to avenge my masters death" <---Ryu and Ken want his head for that... Zeku is also dead(in case you didnt know), The style of Bushin is only passed on with 'one' new generation, it mentions that Zeku had 'last words' with Guy in Alpha 3 when you pick him, he had them before he died because they fought to the death in Alpha 2. Which is why they explain in Alpha 2 that "Their is no hate in their eyes"..Just to clear that up to because I see alot of pple wanting to see Zeku. I would like to as well but, its not going to happen ... Posted by Mech Zangief Master on 03:27:2001 06:15 PM: Damn u know alot bout SF hey if ur so smart explian who Q is smart ass yea u dont have a clue who is Q i need 2 know!!! Posted by Zero on 03:27:2001 07:39 PM: This is old news. Tell me something Zero doesn't know. The Aura Crusher -"It have BADNESS in it!" Posted by AKUMA2000 on 03:27:2001 08:54 PM: I have to admit that is old news...but i do have the Goutetsu and Gouken pics which look cool... Akuma's Lair "On The Battlefield...It's All About Survival" Posted by kim Dong Hwan on 03:27:2001 08:59 PM: hey badapple so you know the story behind yun and yang. Because i hear different stories. There Fei Longs kids, Gen tought them, Chun-Li's nephew's ( like that one was believable) just what is the story? Thanks "Ko--nna Kanji de..Dou?" (How is it like this) -Kim Dong Hwan Posted by CWFPresidentAri on 03:27:2001 09:04 PM: I believe Yun and Yang are Lee's kids (Lee from the first SF). Gen is their grandfather. ---------------------- My tags are lined with razor sharp tungsten edges and have been balanced and can be thrown with deadly accuracy! Posted by TheBadApple on 03:27:2001 11:41 PM: No shit its old news but if you looked to see some of the latest posts, most pple are reffering to them as Sheng Long and all that still....I'll be also happy to answer qu's on story line and all as well seeing that I get the inside scoop from the real pple.... For one, Q has no additonal storyline at this moment. So sit tight and keep wondering since not even Capcom has decided to go up on this. Hes also one of the characters rarley used so you might not find out at all .So why dont you make yourself happy and just make up your own story eh smart ass? Now on Yung and Yang, the only official story of them is they were trained at a very early age and that it was their grandfather who trained them to sum it up shortly, doesnt exactly say who and I talked to the guy I know and he said they arent following up on that story just yet.See what they did for the 3'rd series is they are seeing what works and what doesnt and all that to follow up on a bigger storyline, like what they did from SF1 - Super SF2Turbo and Alpha-Alpha3 The biggest rumor of them is their supposed to be the grand kids of Gen, but its not official yet....I'll let you know though..Im eager to know too. Posted by BloodRiotIori on 03:27:2001 11:43 PM: can someone clear up something? Gouki calls Gen master, but i thought Gouki killed his master Goutetsu with the raging demon? Hey kyo, shut your mouth Posted by TheBadApple on 03:27:2001 11:52 PM: Gen is someone Gouki met along the way of training before he met Goutetsu.....Thats it..Nothing real special except the fact that Gen is incredibley fierce and that Gouki is travelling the world to take out the strongest fighters... Posted by InstantKarma on 03:28:2001 12:41 AM: I always understood that Q was the scientist who created Necro and Twelve and that he is out to kill them because they escaped from his lab, or some such. Don't remeber where I heard that, but thats what I always thought. Posted by TheBadApple on 03:28:2001 02:48 AM: That would be a kickass storyline honestly...But I dont think its true because in 3rd Strike it shows that Urien was the one who made up the Twelve breed and the Twelve that you can fight with is a test version to see if they can make know?...Plus in Q's ending it quotes that hes trying to take out 'all' the SF's not just Twelve and Necro ~.^...Never know though...From what you said it sounds like a good story...Have to wait and see.. Posted by chaosflare on 03:29:2001 05:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by TheBadApple: Now on Sheng Long...Theres no such thing :P haha, Sheng Long is chinese for "Dragon Punch". Dont ask me why its in the SF2 game but its true.Which is why for the SNES version of SF Turbo they changed it to "Dragon Punch" when Ryu does his quote.. LOL! Sorry dude, after I read that first line I just cracked up. I don't know about the other shit u said but sheng long does not mean dragon punch in chinese. Posted by TheBadApple on 03:29:2001 08:40 AM: So? Whats your point? My point is their is no such thing as Sheng Long and its the same reason why Ryus quote is changed from "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance" to "You must defeat my dragon punch to stand a chance" in the SNES version of SF2 Turbo...So regardless of the other "shit" I just said, you can eaither piss and wine about it like most pple do or you can just sit back and read the facts of the real story line...You dont like it? Tough, I can happily show you the artwork for the story line that Ive obtained, that is ofcourse, you can read Japanese characters..... Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:29:2001 09:05 AM: I heard that Q was an undercover agent for the US that was a double Agent for Shadowloo.. he was abducted by an unknown source and now is part man and part machine.. still working for Vega(Bison) he only knows to take out all the SFs.. when he Looks up during his win stance I hear that he is looking up @ the sky to say thank you to Vega(Bison) who he believes in in Heaven... thats what I heard.. HVS ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! HVS aka The guy that hates the word "Fag" HVS aka The guy that stands up for his beliefs HVS aka the worlds first living human age 25 with the brain of an 8 year old..sideshow soon to come.. hehehehehehe Posted by Setsuna X on 03:29:2001 09:21 AM: From what Ive been told Sheng Long means Rising dragon or something to that effect in Chinese. It still is refering to the Dragon Punch. ---------------------- The End..... Posted by darkmanzero on 03:29:2001 05:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by chaosflare: LOL! Sorry dude, after I read that first line I just cracked up. I don't know about the other shit u said but sheng long does not mean dragon punch in chinese. sheng long does mean dp. A friend of mine whose chinese once told me how, siung liung kuan or something like that. Anyway you can ask him yourself. goto his site: Posted by TheBadApple on 03:31:2001 04:40 AM: Hey, thanks for backing me up guys, I didnt wanna get into that but you helped me prove that it meant Dragon Punch.... Hyper: Hell, that story sounds cool enough, I wish it were true....It would help expand on the next SF installments. If any hopefully.... All times are GMT. The time now is 11:17 PM. Show all 17 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.